Friday 22 September 2023

An old-fashioned key


You know those old keys which quietly multiply in the bottom of your kitchen drawer, totally useless as you can´t remember what they were for, well my kitchen drawer doesn´t have any, just because I want one.

I have an idea for something I want to model in clay and the ring-shaped end of the key would be perfect for what I want to do. I was sure I had an old key or two knocking around, but no, not that type anyway. I have Yale keys, those triple safety keys and ones with flat square ends but nothing with a hole.

No problem, thought I, I´ll pop to a key cutter as they stock blanks for all kinds of keys. No joy, though, they have everything but what I want - it is too old-fashioned I´m told. 

I shall have to start visiting my friends and rooting in their kitchen drawers.

Photo by Anna Zakharova at Unsplash


  1. Lol, we have loads of old keys and I don't want to throw them out but wish I could. There's always a little niggle that maybe they for somewhere important.

    1. I know (lol), that´s why I was so sure I had some!
