Saturday 12 August 2023

Stars in my eyes!


Well, that was a good´un. I managed to slam a kitchen cupboard door on my thumb so hard it sliced through the cuticle to the nail bed. It was incredibly painful and I saw stars...there might have been some swearing as I stomped up and down until the pain wore off and I realised I was dripping blood on the kitchen floor.

It had to be my right hand, of course, so putting on a bandage was difficult. I can understand how we outstripped the chimps evolution-wise with our opposable thumbs because it has been difficult managing the last couple of days without mine - it is also the same thumb I scalped on my mandolin not so long ago. Ho hum as John Gray would say.

Photo by Jan Antonin Kolar atUnsplash 


  1. Oooh, you had me holding my thumb in sympathy lol. Hope its useable sooner than later

    1. Thank you! At least Toby got out of having a bath today lol.
