Sunday, 26 December 2021

Well, that was very nice!

I had a lovely Christmas Eve with a large family party at my son´s  house. Here the 24th is the important date with a feast, presents and a very late night. I got home at half past two in the morning! It was a bit weird as some of us wore masks most of the time but at least we were all together. I only hope there are no repercussions. 

Christmas Day I spent with my daughter and son in law. We had a nice meal and a quiet relaxing time after our hectic night before. All in all a very enjoyable Christmas with two contrasting celebrations. 

Today I am gently pottering about at home and giving Toby some attention as he´s been unavoidably left on his own a bit these last couple of days. He´s usually fine "home alone" as he normally goes to sleep when I´m out. For Christmas I gave him some squeaky toys he´d inherited from my son´s Labrador who sadly died a few weeks ago. His favourite seems to be the rubber chicken although it is nearly as big as he is as the toys are all naturally for a much larger dog. The squeaks drive Toby frantic and he is playing with them so much he has just conked out from exhaustion!



  1. Great that you've enjoyed meeting your family Sansthing. We had a quiet Christmas as most of our family live in the south-east of England but we really enjoyed ourselves. It goes without saying how much we loved that pic of Toby. I know that you said he's not too keen on petting but I'd really love to make a fuss of him!
    Wendy (Wales)

    1. He likes being stroked, just not sitting on laps! Glad you enjoyed your Christmas.

  2. Glad you had a nice time. Our cats miss us if we are out for any length of time, they come to meet us. lol Probably because they are Hungary but I like to kid myself that it's because they miss us, lol

    1. I don´t think Toby misses me much when I go out, he usually goes to sleep!

  3. I think John Gray's dogs have this toy, or did once upon a time. I spent Christmas Day alone and Boxing Day. I have been keeping occupied.

    1. Keeping occupied is good. I´ll be alone New Year´s Eve enjoying some wine and a Vera catch-up. Toby is terrified by all the fireworks and I´d rather be here for him.

    2. I suspect like me you spend a lot of time alone. These holiday days/evenings are no different to any other day/evenings are they!?

    3. Yes, you´re right Rachel, I do spend a lot of time alone. Being somewhat of an introvert I am quite happy being on my own. With a large family and several friends here in my building I can chat or see someone whenever I feel like it but I do need my own space.

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