Sunday 8 October 2023

Busy doing nothing

I don´t know why I am always so busy, after all I´m retired now and have a cleaner who comes for the day once every three weeks to do the strenuous stuff (five minutes hoovering and my back seizes up), yet I seem to be constantly on the go, with nothing much to show for it. 

So, what is it I get up to all day? Well, I usually wake around half past six, feed Toby and go back to bed for half an hour with a coffee and my Kindle. Then it is up and dealing with Toby´s eyes and giving him his heart meds, then shower and breakfast. After breakfast I have a general tidy around and maybe spend an hour or so on pottery work. After that I´m off to the gym, followed by a trip to the pottery studio on a Monday or the farmers market on a Tuesday. Then it is home for lunch, a bit of internet, wash up and read and have a little snooze. Time to do Toby´s eyes again then maybe some pottery, cooking or pop to the shops. Every ten days or so I do a large batch of cooking for the freezer. Feed and medicate Toby, have dinner and catch up on blogs and YouTube vlogs I follow. I don´t bother with TV, it irritates me. Toby´s eyes again, then off to bed about ten for a read before sleep. I´m usually pretty tired and have no trouble nodding off - and that´s it - a full day doing nothing much.

Looking after Toby takes a bit of time as he does not like having his eyes cleaned and treated, so I have to do it slowly to avoid a wrestling match. Reading back over what I´ve written it strikes me that I have a pretty relaxing day which suits me just fine as my last job was very stressful. I´m certainly never bored, anyway!



  1. You have great days, lots to do. Just keeping Toby healthy keeps you alert. Having time to read, go to the gym and shop around gives you plenty of variety. More than I get. What I do not like is house work.

    1. Snap, I dislike housework too and do as little as I can.
