Unlike Pam Ayres who wishes she´d looked after her teeth, I have looked after mine with brushing and flossing and regular check-ups despite an irrational but very real fear of dentists. Whenever I have an appointment I start getting the heebie-jeebies days beforehand.
Apart from a couple of crowns and caps I still have all my teeth which I believe is not bad for someone of 76. So it is most unfair that I´m suddenly having loads of trouble. In February I broke a bit off a tooth and had to go to the dentist. In April the same thing happened to another tooth. A couple of weeks ago, bingo, another one - and before I had even got around to booking an appointment to get that seen to, yet another one. I have not started chewing rocks so I assume it is part of getting old, but it is still not fair...apart from the stress levels my bank balance is taking a bashing. Coincidentally one of Toby´s teeth dropped out the other day, I found it by his cushion. Old age sucks!