Monday 24 April 2023

Vampires or what?

Toby has two or three raised bumps on his back with a little dried blood in the surrounding fur. As they heal and go away others appear. They look like bites from some kind of blood-sucking pest and I started imagining what could be attacking him. Could I have a vampire bat in my apartment that feeds on him at night, hiding under my bed where Toby sleeps? Maybe the blood-sucking Barbeiro beetle, which transmits Chagas disease? Creepy stuff - I do have a vivid imagination! Actually, as commonsense dictates, if there were anything biting Toby under my bed then surely I would also be attacked, which is not the case. I think he may have a skin condition like folliculitis which while not serious is difficult to treat. So there you go.

Photo by Frida Lannerström at Unsplash


  1. You should perhaps take Toby to the vet. Organisms that crawl on the floor and under the bed (like ticks, for example) usually can't climb up to your bed and harm you.

    1. Thanks for your suggestion, he actually has an appointment for next week.
