Saturday, 25 September 2021


We are in the middle of a tropical storm at the moment, the full works with lightning and thunder so loud it is making Toby jump and bark even though he is practically deaf now. Although we need the rain badly for the reservoirs it is sod´s law as I was planning on going out to buy some lights today. 

These are the lights I have throughout the flat except for the kitchen and bathroom. There are eight of them and they are so high up that it is impossible to clean them properly. They are looking very grubby and changing a bulb is a balancing act on top of the ladder - I´m getting past the age for such tricks. They´ve been there for twenty years and I´ve decided it is time to change them all for something more practical. 

I really like my kitchen light which I installed a couple of years ago. It is easy to reach for cleaning and bulb changing. I want to try and get something similar for the rest of the flat, not all the same of course, but hopefully all equally practical. I was looking forward to my outing today until the heavens opened - oh well, maybe tomorrow!


  1. You certainly live an exciting life according to your last posts! Poor Toby must be very anxious about the storm.
    We know what you mean about too-high light fittings. We live in a large victorian house with high ceilings etc. Now that we are older we dread a light bulb blowing for the same reasons as you. The 2 top landing areas are a nightmare. The fitting in your kitchen looks ideal so we wish you luck in getting something similar for your other rooms. Hopefully you can soon go shopping!
    Wendy (Wales)

    1. Thank you Wendy, I may go tomorrow. I remember when I lived in a two-up two-down terraced house in Oldham I blithely went up a ladder to clean the gutters - my husband held the ladder as he was afraid of heights! Those were the days, getting older really sucks...

  2. I love the arches in your home, beautiful.
    I love light, there's lights on all over my house but somehow I feel a bit guilty. I remember when I lived at home my Mum and Dad always telling me to turn the lights off. lol
    Might be doing that if we have problems with the electric this winter.

    1. Thank you Briony, I had the doors replaced by arches wherever possible when I bought the apartment, it made everything seem more spacious. We´ve been told to economize as much as possible on electricity consumption because of the reservoir situation.

  3. Good luck with your lights for future eaae. I understand totally.

    1. Thank you Rachel. I guess commonsense dictates avoiding future problems.
