Sunday 5 November 2023


We had the worst storm I´ve ever seen a couple of days ago. The wind was gusting at over 100km p/h driving horizontal rain straight at my windows. It came through the closed shutters and window frames and water was running down the walls (and over a couple of sockets!). I really thought the glass was going to blow in.

There were over 800 calls to the fire service about fallen trees and three people were killed in separate incidents. Miraculously my power stayed on although many areas were without as the trees had brought lines down. Today it is sunny with blue skies as though nothing had happened, the only reminder the number of branches still lying about.

I had meant to go out shopping that afternoon but thank goodness I had an attack of laziness and stayed home.


  1. You were lucky the house didn't get any damage.
    Those winds were tremendous. Thank goodness you had shutters as well.
    We sometimes get water dripping over sockets too. Depends on which direction and how strong the wind is blowing. So far so good.

    1. The sockets are my biggest worry! It is now three days since the storm and there are still 500,000 homes without power and some without water too. The death toll has risen to six, there are trees and branches scattered everywhere and some traffic lights aren´t working.
