Thursday 15 June 2023

Rain, rain go away...

It has been raining steadily for two days here which is most unusual at this time of year, winter is usually very dry. I hope it stops soon as this weekend we are having a communal open-air party to celebrate the Feast of Saint John. This is celebrated all over Brazil with traditional country music and dancing, bonfires and  special food as well as a spicy punch called quentão. People dress up as peasants in straw hats, check shirts and dungarees or long dresses and there is sometimes a shotgun wedding often performed by children.

I believe it was originally a religious Catholic festival brought over from Portugal in the 16th century by the colonists. June has Saint John´s Day and also Saint Anthony´s Day so they are both celebrated. Let´s hope this year the festivities won´t be too damp.


  1. We have a big midsummer festival here too to celebrate St John. Yours sounds wonderful. Long dresses and spicy punch!! Hope those Saints keep the rain away
