Tuesday 20 September 2022

A sad farewell


I set my alarm and woke at six in the morning in order to watch the Queen´s funeral. I only meant to watch the first part, in Westminster Abbey, but found I couldn´t tear myself away and ended up seeing the whole thing until the very end. I found it very moving and sad, and was in tears several times especially when the BBC showed her pony Emma and the two Corgis. I wish King Charles III and the Queen Consort all the best, he has some large shoes to fill.

Photo by Samuel Regan-Asante on Unsplash 


  1. I enjoyed the processions and the pipes and drums and everything and the people arriving at Westminster Abbey and the service and then the leaving to Windsor. I am sure Charles will be fine in his own way and he has a splendid son William. I hope it works out for them both.

  2. It was magnificent indeed and showed our country and our people in the best way. Charles will be fine with the support of his Queen Consort and his family, I too wish him well.

  3. I am definitely an outlier here…as I often am as I have never been one to go with the flow.

    I don’t understand the fascination and the wall to wall coverage. It is strange that people feel they knew her.

    1. We can´t all think alike, you are entitled to your opinion just as I am entitled to mine.

  4. I was exactly like you as I couldn't tear myself away from all the wonderful pageantry. It was an amazing day to remember. We were almost tearful when we saw Emma and two of the late Queen's corgi dogs. She would never wear a riding hat and always wore a head scarf - apparently her scarf was tied to Emma's saddle. Yes - very big shoes to fill.
    Wendy (Wales)
