Saturday 9 April 2022



No, I don´t believe in little green men or alien abduction etc, although I think there are things we don´t yet know or understand in the world about us. I do know, however, that some years ago I witnessed something which I can´t explain.

I lived near the village of Marsden, Yorkshire at the time, close to the Pennines and my little house overlooked the moors without any other buildings in sight.

One hot summer night (very rare in Yorkshire!) I was lying in bed unable to sleep and idly looking out of the open bedroom window when I saw a light moving across the dark sky above the horizon. A plane, I assumed. The light suddenly stopped moving and after a moment I rationalized that the plane had turned and was now flying towards me, thus creating the illusion it was not moving. 

Suddenly the light started going up and down rapidly in a large zigzag, became still again, then continued slowly on its original trajectory before suddenly shooting off at great speed. 

I couldn´t quite believe what I had just seen and got out of bed to check if the window was actually open. I thought maybe I had seen some sort of reflection in the glass. Occasionally the winds coming off the moors (think Wuthering Heights) are so strong they can cause the window to flex and things appear to move. But..the window was open, I was wide awake and had not been what had I seen?

I´ve no idea, anyway, but it certainly was strange. That and my ghostly experience in London (tale told in a previous post) are the only times in my life I have experienced anything weird, thank goodness.

Photo by Albert Antony on Unsplash


  1. That was a very interesting read. We have never seen anything in the sky like that. I was interested too in the village you mentioned. Going off topic I know but I am always interested in discovering new places. I went on Google street view and immediately saw the Mechanics Institute & Clock Tower which is a lovely building with an interesting history. I hope that it will continue to be looked after and saved as mentioned online.
    Wendy (Wales)

    1. I lived about a mile from the village and knew it well. I remember attending various functions at the Mechanics!
