Saturday 29 May 2021

Another little adventure

Before I retired I worked at a certain consulate in the visa section where I dealt with the applicants and their paperwork before passing it on to an officer for analysis and a decision. One of the people I handled was a hot air balloon pilot who traveled to competitions all over the world. He was so delighted when his visa was granted that he offered me and my family a free balloon flight. It was an offer I couldn´t refuse!

We set off one Saturday to a nearby town called Pindamonhangaba (yes, that really is the name of a town!), myself, daughter and son in law and toddler and one of my sons. It was really interesting seeing the balloons laid out and filling with hot air from roaring gas burners. The baskets were quite small so I went in one balloon with my daughter and my son flew in another. Son in law and toddler stayed behind as we took off and my little granddaughter wailed as she saw her mother slowly disappearing into the sky. 

Both my daughter and I have a fear of heights so it was a white knuckle ascent as we rose, each clutching the basket with a death grip. As we started to drift across the landscape things got easier but I must confess I never felt entirely comfortable. I had imagined it might be windy up there, but of course since you are floating at the same speed as the wind the air felt completely still, and so silent you could clearly hear dogs barking and people going about their business.

At one point we drifted over a cluster of buildings and the pilot explained he was taking us higher as the buildings were a prison and people (prisoners or guards?) had been known to take potshots at the balloons! After about half an hour we landed safely and were picked up and taken back to base. All in all it was an enjoyable experience and a most unusual way to spend a Saturday.


  1. Our daughter gave her dad and me a hot air balloon ride for an anniversary years ago. It was something I had thought would be fun. Our experience was very much as you describe, except that I was left disappointed. Our balloon did not go very high at all. Scarcely higher than some rides at amusement parks, I'd say. Maybe I would have been more impressed if I'd never been up in a plane? We were in Plano, TX.

    1. I love having new experiences so I actually enjoyed my flight apart from the fear of heights. Sorry yours was a disappointment.

  2. I have never wanted to go up in a balloon. There was a time when it was a big thing here and balloons were coming over every night during the summer months and wanting to land on the farms without any prior consultation and animals were spooked. I was once chatting to a friend who said they had landed in a farmer's field and assumed permission had been sought beforehand. We pursued compensation from one balloon company for repeated damage to crops and got it. Followers could also number 10 to 12 vehicles chasing the balloon and trespassing. After a couple of balloon accidents and prolonged bad weather ballooning went out of fashion and we all breathed a sigh of relief. I am frightened of heights and not very happy about the safety aspect anyway.

    1. Flying over farmland must be hard to avoid in England although spooking animals and damaging crops sounds irresponsible. It´s probably just as well it was a passing fad.

  3. You are brave to take the hot air balloon ride, sometimes I think I would like to try that. It seems like a peaceful way to spend time floating in the sky.

  4. It was an unusual and different experience, brave or foolhardy, take your pick!
