I´m following a 16-week training programme in order to try and get myself fit for my Camino, but the weather really isn´t helping at the moment. You´d have thought that living in a tropical country would mean lots of nice hot sunny days (it is our summer, after all) but instead virtually every day it is overcast all day and drizzling, or overcast with violent tropical storms. It reminds me of the film "Blade Runner" where it rained all the time. At least it isn´t cold, which is a small blessing.
What I am trying to do at the moment is take a very brisk walk for 30 minutes every day, and a two-hour walk at the weekend. My rain gear hasn´t arrived yet, so I can choose to either get wringing wet or wait for a break in the weather. I defy anyone to take a nice brisk walk clutching a brolly! I am also trying to use the daily walk to exercise my little Yorkshire Terrier, Toby, and I don´t want him getting soaked on a daily basis either. So, it is all very frustrating.
I am looking forward so much to my Camino, not just the challenge of covering that distance, on my own, but also the time to reflect and meditate and put things in perspective. I think we all need to find time to stand back from our daily lives and routine once in a while.
I am planning on allowing myself 45 days for the Camino Frances, from Roncesvalles to Santiago. I know this is much more than most people usually need, but I don´t want to feel rushed or pressured. I´m one of those walkers who is slow but steady. I think, given enough time, I could cover any distance. What wears me out is trying to keep up with faster walkers, especially up hill. So I intend to go at my own pace, enjoying company for a while if the opportunity arises, but happy with my own company too. And... should I finish with time to spare before my return flight to Brazil, I can always pop over to England on a cheap flight to visit my newest grandchild (and his parents, of course!).
It's arrived.
7 minutes ago
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